Women who suffer from fibroids often experience painful and debilitating symptoms. Including heavy and irregular cycles, pelvic pressure or pain, constipation, and even back and leg pain. Many pharmaceuticals only treat the symptoms but do not eliminate the source of the illness.
With our 21 Day Fibroid Cleanse you can experience a significant, change in the levels of discomfort you feel, while also shrinking and ultimately eliminating your fibroids. Every remedy in the 21 Day Fibroid Cleanse contributes to your healing in its own way.
Here is a breakdown of each all-natural herbal tonic in our 21 Day Fibroid Cleanse.

Pure Jamaican Seamoss
Our Pure Jamaican Seamoss is packed with iodine, which is essential to the development and maintenance of the ovaries, uterus, and breasts. It releases the excess hormones and replenishes our body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to function properly.
Iodine promotes ovulation and balances estrogen in the body. Research shows that the daily intake of Iodine actually helps shrink fibroids. The best source of Iodine naturally occurs in Seamoss. Our Pure Jamaican Seamoss is rich in Iodine along with over 90 other vitamins and minerals. Pure Jamaican Seamoss is a powerful, naturally occurring medicine that has helped many women in their health journey.
Our Purge Tea cleanses the womb by cleansing the colon. The herbal tonic expels toxins that reside in the colon and can be transferred to the womb. It eliminates parasites and worms while relieving constipation. It also supports weight loss and can help heal hemorrhoids. Clearing out the imbalances in our gut will help clear the imbalances within our whole body.
Because the colon is one of the major channels for waste elimination, it is important to make sure it is functioning properly so that there is no buildup of toxins within the body. This would threaten the health of the womb. Purge assists in cleansing the colon so that the womb remains healthy and protected.
Underground Tonic
Our Underground Tonic builds the blood and supports the body in preparation for stronger herbs to shrink fibroids. It assists in relieving back pain, arthritis, and skin issues. It also balances the hormones, increases stamina and energy, protects the liver, and fights viral and bacterial infections. Underground Tonic works to defend our bodies.
Our Underground Tonic is the number 1 natural medicine we recommend to cleanse, strengthen and build the blood.
Queens Medicine
Queens Medicine is a powerful healer. It directly targets fibroids, cysts, and womb imbalances. Queens Medicine eliminates bacterial and viral infections, eases cramps and menstrual pain, cleanses the blood, eliminates toxins, and cleanses the urinary tract. This allows the body and the womb to heal and rebalance.
We recommend taking the previous three tonics before moving on to Queens Medicine. This tonic is most effective after you prepare your body with the Pure Jamaican Seamoss, Purge, and Underground Tonic.
These four tonics are a life-changing combination. We have helped countless women find healing through these natural herbal remedies. If you are seeking natural healing from your Fibroids, the 21 Day Fibroid Cleanse is the most powerful natural solution.