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As we slowly move into the season of fall, energy is shifting more inwards. As we naturally will be in the house more as the weather changes, I encourage you to remember that our first and primary home is the body that we live in. Our body is the vessel through which our souls are given the opportunity to experience life. 

Self love. Body Image. Health and wellness. Holistic health. Gratitude.

Our bodies are sacred and should be honored daily. Below, I have listed a few ways to intentionally honor your body.

Gratitude for our Grand Rising.

Every day is an opportunity for a Grand Rising. One way to honor our bodies is to thank them as we wake up. Our first inhale of the morning should be dedicated to gratitude for that breath. We should show gratitude for the ability to open our eyes and see another day. We should never take this for granted. 

“I am grateful to have another day to wake up within my own unique body.”

Caring for our bodies as our homes.

We will be within our bodies for our whole lives, so we need to make sure this home is a safe, peaceful, and loving space. Just as you would care for a sacred space, such as an altar, meditation room, or bedroom, we have to care for and maintain our bodies. This means cleansing our bodies of unwanted energies and being mindful of our physical health. It means allowing our bodies to take up space in this world while being grounded within our space. We should always be seeking peace within ourselves.

“I am safe, grounded, and at peace within my body.”

Claim the value our bodies holds.

Affirming the fact that our bodies are something to be grateful for should encourage us to do right by it. We all have a unique body, aura, and energy. We must learn what it needs and how to take care of our bodies properly. This will allow us to harness that positive and loving energy to create a life that we are aligned with and love. 

“My body deserves to be loved, respected, and nurtured, always.”

Lastly, I encourage you to say these affirmations with me…

Hold your hands to your chest and say:

  • “I am thankful to be here. I am thankful to be within my body.”
  • “May everything I do align with what my body needs.”
  • “I am in control of my body’s wellbeing.”

Love and Light, Family.

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